What grace, what vividness, what edge

What grace, what vividness, what edge
brings out you amongst the rest!
What modest beauty’s luring catch
to your uniqueness does attest!***
What grace, what vividness, what edge
brings out you amongst the rest!
What modest beauty’s luring catch
to your uniqueness does attest!
Held in your view I cower, shrink;
your charming eyes have me at bay.
My thirst will have no other drink
than you have given me. Astray
and waif I find myself when you
won’t bless me by your partial warmth.
You stand aloof, of chosen few
who hardly know their worth!
I’m to remind you of unique
and queenly stand you are permeate
You are the candle – I’m the wick
to light you hot! – take me at it!
The inner beauty shines within —
reflected image of your soul.
How farest you, the comely queen?
How goes on your sweet control
that has no borders, no confines?
Ay me! How can the printed words,
and commonplaces you define?
How state against all artful odds
how singular you’re, and so forth?
In faith, I’ve tried. Has been success
my declaration? You — to deem.
I hope you taste your own worth
in my immoderate address
and wax in inward self-esteem.
I think I’m free, no fetters more
hold my impressive heart and mind;
yet there’s abroad another lore
that I’m detained by you, confined.
Let grace of yours and what you feel
so tender-hearted be a pledge
to what we’ve made a fair deal:
“I’m dull reflector. Shining edge
you’re in my mirrors” Lux Aeternus
is being lit in loving furnace…

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