In the forest

\»Have you ever walked at night

In the forest by the side?

I think you\’ll gain pride

If you go there
In the forest
Far beyond your home\»Have you ever walked at night

In the forest by the side?

I think you\’ll gain pride

If you go there
In the forest
Far beyond your home
In that place where
Trees form a dome
You\’ll find yourself\»
\»Through the forest trail runs strictly right

Through the forest trail runs and I run this night

Through the forest trail runs to the Moon
The man who set me up was frick

I see the old-style bricks

They\’re almost everywhere
In the forest
Far beyond my home
In that place where
Dozens of roads
Are on the ground
Through the forest trails run — old cobblestones

Through the forest trails run…

Through the forest trails run. Where is the Moon? I can\’t see it.\»
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