And Heaven Comes Along

May dainty autumn night be our bed,

Thaumaturgy and mansuete limbs dulia

As flinty riverines hem round ahead

Thy sweetest waters of my bitter lies.
May dainty autumn night be our bed,

Thaumaturgy and mansuete limbs dulia

As flinty riverines hem round ahead

Thy sweetest waters of my bitter lies.
The wormwood star has drown\’d in vaporous well

And winds stray\’d in the bacchic of thy hair,

Thy scrannel arms like shaveling-cehrub quell

Witch\’d by thy girlie\’s pulchritude so fair.
May dampy vernal day be our shield

Where on the porch your white dove spreads the wings.

And like the beggars on the parvis kneel

The morrow craves the rain\’s cathartic strings.
Man taking names to choir of his stones

Seal\’d our hearts with certitude of fate.

The homies gone, the heaven comes along

But plenitude therein no one can bate.
Thy whisper sobb\’d: \»Keep livin\’ when I go,

Don\’t harm thyself — as that should be my bliss\».

I had no answer but in wailful glow

I\’d not unwind without a single kiss.
My teraphim left in the cadent rain

In laurel bed where spiders weave the way,

Oh, bitterness to never wake again —

The happiness of days to pass away.
My peaceful eld, drink veneries adeem\’d —

Marcescible the senile youth of mine,

This threne, my love, until my eyes grow dim,

This funeral for two will us entwine.
Je s\’insurge de le poussiere miracle.

Repondrez-moi de mon destin terrestre.

J\’ai vu la verite dans votre dextre

Ecoutant le voix de la mutite.

Mais il n\’y a pas du nerf dans ces doigts secs…
Je rendrai le silence

De tous mes chambres,

Quand je t\’oublie comme la chanson d\’enfance,

Lentement et peniblement, comme le pays du passe,

Parmi tes etoiles froids et douloureux

Subtilement je suis devenu l\’oiseau du feu

Qui se tourne dans la valse

De la solitude…
Tunc Venus in sylvis jungebat corpora amnatum

In omnire scibili

Quarta die, sinilis amor.

Moenibus suridis, campana muta.

Aperto vivere voto…


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