The Chipmunk team discusses the game

Boys, remember I hit the ball?

— Remember my longest pass?

— The one after you so funny sprawled?

— Yes, that was the first class!
— And me? I hit…Boys, remember I hit the ball?

— Remember my longest pass?

— The one after you so funny sprawled?

— Yes, that was the first class!
— And me? I hit the trickiest ball

Jimmy could invent!

— Considering Jimmy’s squinting eyes

That was a great event!
— Hey, boys, don\’t forget

I was the fastest runner

— Compering to Jimmy, boy

You are the tortoise’ grandma!
Now and then boys shout and laugh

Joking on each other

No one takes offence —

They are united brothers
— Listen, listen! What shall we do

With that enormous prize?

— Let\’s invite all our friends!

— Let us have the party!

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